NWA FCA Golf Tournament


It's Tee Time!!

 NWA FCA Golf Tournament
Premier Platinum Tournament Sponsor- Available

Presented by Mach 1 Financial Group

May 2, 2025 
Paradise Valley Athletic Club
 Fayetteville, AR

May 2, 2025
Paradise Valley Athletic Club 
3728 Old Missouri Rd.
Fayetteville, AR 
Shotgun starts
 8:00 AM & 1:30 PM 

Lunch will be provided 
starting at 11:30 AM 

PRIZES will be given for:
1st Place GROSS -AM and PM flights
2nd Place GROSS - AM and PM flights
Closest to the Pin - AM and PM flights 
Longest drive – AM and PM flights
Putting contest - AM and PM flights

How to Sponsor 2025 Golf Tournament and Team Opportunities
Click on link below to register!

To Pay by check:

Mail Check to:


PO Box 434

Lowell, AR 72745

Contact for Sponsorship Questions

Please Tab Over

Premier Platinum Title Sponsorship - $10,000

*Naming rights to the event as Tournament Sponsor

*Recognition as Tournament Sponsor on front entry sign

*Recognition as Tournament Sponsor on website and all promotional pieces

*Special recognition at event

*Recognition sign on golf hole

*12 golfers included/3 teams

*Charitable contribution to FCA

Platinum Presenting Sponsor - $7,500

*Naming rights to the event as Presenting Sponsor

*Recognition as Presenting Sponsor on front entry sign

*Recognition as Preseting Sponsor on website and all promotional pieces

*Special recognition at event

*Recognition sign on golf hole

*8 golfers included/2 teams

*Charitable contribution to FCA

Gold Sponsor - $5,000

*Recognition as event sponsor on front entry sign

*Recognition as event sponsor on website and all
 promotional pieces

*Recognition on golf hole

*8 golfers included/ 2 teams

*Charitable contribution to FCA

Silver Sponsor - $2,000

*Recognition as event sponsor on front entry sign

*Recognition on website as sponsor

*Recognition sign at golf hole 

*4 golfers included/ 1 team

*Charitable contribution to FCA - a portion of your contribution will go to the school of your choice

Bronze Sponsor - $1,200

*Recognition on website as sponsor

*Recognition sign at golf hole 

*4 golfers included/1 team

*Charitable contribution to FCA

Sponsor a Coaches Team $1,000

*Team consisting of 4 NWA Coaches

*Each player will get 1 mulligan

*Each player will get 1 putt at the putting contest

*Recognition on website as sponsor

*Recognition on hole sign as sponsor

Hole Sponsor - $200

Recognition as hole sponsor on website 

Recognition sign on golf hole

Charitable contribution to FCA

Team Registration $1,000

*Each team will consist of 4 players

*Each player will get 1 mulligan

*Each player will get 1 putt at the putting contest

Early Registration ends March 21st (includes 1 additional Mulligan and 1 additional putt per team)

Final Registration ends April 18th

Register here and you will be directed to pay after submission

Premier Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors- Multiple Sponsorship Available

Silver Sponsors- Multiple Sponsorship Available

Bronze Sponsors- Multiple Sponsorship Available

Coaches Teams- Multiple Sponsorship Available

Hole in One Sponsors- Multiple Sponsorship Available

Hole Sponsors- Multiple Sponsorship Available

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